Two Enemies of Trading Success - FEAR & GREED period

Indeed Im really learning great lessons in thus trading career as the market will reveal your self to you. Im on an almost NO LOSS SCALPING SYSTEM but despite this great result I often lose confidence in my system and thus keep losing . I will shoe a great experience i had last so that you can know that if you have a system you have got to believe in the system if you want it to work for you. Really I failed myself last night and not the system I am using. Moreso, never let greed set in otherwise you will be doomed but if you can follow suit with the rules you will come out a success. Never the less, I am too determined to be defeated as I will keep fighting till I come out with what I want . Never give up on your goal and at last you will be celebrated. 

             See below for this great lesson I learnt myself last night .Are you set ?

What a great lesson for me that patience is the key in trading, never be in a hurry to close a trade after analyzing it and never be in a hurry to enter a trade as well. One more question is the cause of your failure often in business = ANSWER IT NOW TO YOURSELF
You can see now that it is absolute capital  
Please learn from this and lets keep rolling again.
                              good day going to church now

Live Account Coming Up Again

Despite the almost burnt account experience I have summon courage again to start on the remaining amount in my account to build it up again. It is very much possible to do so but on a scalping level with almost no loss method. You will find out in my result below this is live account , I was able to turn $11 to $41 in 20 minutes but lost it back to the market. But now i have started again with $2.74 to $5 will continue after now tonight for rule looking for what I can still achieve with it for real. thanks 

this is the reason i will eventually succeed, watch out for me.
Now my results 

 coming up again dudes 

There is difference Between LIVE Account And DEMO Account

With the system shown before i was disappointed to note that I burnt my account I painstakingly grew from $198 back to $11, what a great loss to me and all my effort but I will not let this put me down because I know business can be like this sometime. Please if you are not ready for this serious business don't bother entering it except you are ready to really read all there is to it and learn the onus very well. Burnt my account completely several times can't really recall how many times but still growing because this is the tuition im paying for the great experience ahead. really sad to show this to you guy don't be discouraged but be encouraged and learn something from it. see below screens 

indeed there is still more to learn friends trading is a serious business for the big hearted if you experience trhis ,will U still be in the business ?


 This could be the Holy Grail of Binary Random Index Trading at last. Imagine having a system like this below pumping cash into you like a damaged ATM CASH. Since I discovered this, I have almost not had any loss whatever. Indeed there are secrets to doing every thing in life and once you are through with a system you are indeed through.  Secrets are meant for seekers remember that it is the glory for a king , ruler to search out a matter, are you a king or not ? the question stay tuned very soon when i try it on live account and it works out will definitely dish it out here for real. Note that you are in for a great catch here that you have found.  See my happy below screen, how i turned a mere $2 into $15 in a matter of few minutes , imagine it is a live account what would have happened to the account ? answer it yourself over 700% made already on demo account going LIVE now. This is to prove to you that this works really well and really well. 

 No loss whatever and I hope this is evident enough. Sign up and get started early.


I will get back with my evidence of LIVE account soon, trust me.  

Henceforth I will be Updating End of Day Result Please

This will help me focus more on profit than content generation please. Bear with me but i think you are getting all this. I will show U my style of trading below and please stick with it along side and always WIN.Before that, quick simple question, choose between the two characters, which one do U prefer and why.

 The main difference between them is pure knowledge. Information inequality , thus from where you are to where you are going you only need the right knowledge and you will be there with peae of mind. Same thing applies in TRADING WORLD, trading is not gambling but pure BUSINESS , if you treat it as such , it pays you the equivalent. Think about this. Back to our result so far. In few days made this and withdrawn $50 from $50 seed capital remember. 

  let me now show you my chart quickly thanks.

 check those zones i circled and mark them on yr chart too, every time  see them trigger a trade in their direction. Remember this is PURE PRICE ACTION TRADING, as it has been really been confirmed by the greatest minds in the industry over time that your greatest enemy in trading are the indicators thus learn this fully and be set for good profit.

please sign up below and get started , i will stop here as this is the paramount.

I'm Back Up - Knowledge Is Everything

Keep learning , you will get there. Hoping to get almost 100% return today. If you can learn you are unstoppable. I mean it. See my result even last night back.

 Learn from this, you will surely bounce back if you hang on there , really starting on a new level now at least $50 daily NOW. 

Sign Up an start learning to build your wealth gradually as I am doing. I have not dished out my goal but hold on soon will reveal it.

Finaly The Reality Set In

You have got to be really careful as trading is such lucrative it can as well send you back to grave. It does not need to take long before you are down to earth realizing that whatever goes up must urely comes down. I increase my capital from $119 to $159 but eventually lost it back to $91 same night over $60 loss what a great loss as once. Money management is everything like i use to say. Please this is  a great lesson for you if you are just starting out. Never use any amount that will weigh you down per time. Please this is a great lesson I learnt. Also, always believe in yourself and not in any other person any signal whatsoever its a just a big waste to your personality . There is no 100% accurate system anywhere it is what you understand that matters. See my big bad experience below but i know i will surely bounce back anyway . OK

wow see happened here because i lost $40 i was emotionally imbalanced and lost the next trade as well. Never lose a great amount that will make you depressed please 

 always remember this please 

When am back up will intimate you guys again. Always believe in yourself and no other person the lesson

Prepare For Losses As Well

There is no 100% accurate system friend, even the greatest minds still lose. Learn to love losing money after all you can make it back if U truly follow through your system. As you will see below, I lost but bounced back although created a great emotion for me because I disobeyed money management rule which almost burnt my fingers completely. Thanks to the profit that brought me back to business. See yourself below screen and start your own trading line otherwise you will just keep looking me advancing. After all, business is all about profit and I am still there with $15 increase now. Although slowly but gradually getting there I must confess to you. 

From $104 to $119 , still in profit can march ahead with it. 

Sign up now and start immediately , if you any question please drop it in the comment and I will try to answer you promtply.


Now let me advice you that if you have a loss ,keep a calm mind and know that you can recover it over time but the greatest loss is you not having confidence in your system. Try not to have a big loss in order not to destabilize you. Try to go slowly and you will get there. 
Try to set a good risk reward ratio and not the kind of peanuts floating around. I am personally working on this as well.With that you can easily recover your losses without any hassle. Have a great day ahead.

Paying Myself FIRST

For those of you thinking trading is not lucrative, with a few days work starting with $50, I have been able to create my capital and withdrawn my seed capital as you will see below. Indeed, I will try and scale this UP and create a mega business out of it. Indeed read below citation please I beckon on you

I want you to really inscribe it on your tablet of heart forever , this has been my driving force most time. Get this again and again and continually reinforce them with you.

Let me now show you my payout and convince you that indeed this business really works as I am on my journey to creating a career with this. See the screen shots below thanks

Let me now show you the mail I received this morning to crown it ALL.

This is all for now , I need to go back for the morning DEW. Will be back soon but above all if you are still sitting on the fence nothing gonna happen until u make a move like I am doing. All things are possible only if you believe and take action as the distance between your goal and your result is your ACTION.
Click the action banner below and get started immediately if indeed you like yourself nobody will ever do it for you

YES I'M BACK Part 2 - Plan For The WORST, Expect The Best After all

Indeed Life is  a self fulfilling prophecy.
Like I said the other time plan for the worst but expect the best after all. Indeed this happens because there is no 100% accurate trading system even candlestick patterns will sometime fall you. The bottom line is that you are in profit after all. Love to lose money but gain the experience by the lessons it teaches. 

You will see by the screen shot below that I almost burnt my account but after all in Profits. After every major losses emotion comes in because of the huge amount involved. The only solution is money management thus stick to every rule otherwise you will soon be out of business. See the results below

 you can see on the above picture serious losses but eventually recovered but if lost that again them I'm out of business simple but that never happened thus than God on my side.

With this now, I can continue with my trading business thank God being there for me.
Eventually I'm in profit after all which should be your ultimate GOAL anyway. 
From $119 to $133, thus still in profit.