30% return this morning started all over again

One single lesson I have learnt over per time is that never be embarrassed by your failure  rather be encouraged with it. You will go places if you have this kind of heart especially in trading ......
my track record today below 

DisobeY yr Trading Rules, Get Burned Again AND aGain

After the drastic mistake I made burning almost my account out of the market, I have come to realize the market does not know anyone with no mercy at all. The only saving grace to scale through in the market is to fully follow one's trading rules and keep going humbly. Over  confidence kills big tyme in the market and if care is not taken, the cycle will continue and one will eventually bark out of the market. Haven't studied why enough, I have tried my system and discovered that my little challenge is in money management and hopefully believe that I will correct it fully well now that I am back. Thanks for staying tune till now. The system I am using now looks really good and  I will try stick to it all the way ...... see the pix below