Really Getting Hold Of Binary Trading NOW - - - - - - -

Indeed no matter how far the truth is hidden or seems far away, if you will truly desire it and keep pushing at it, you will surely get it over time. Noting comes close to experience in the race of life as this is not different from trading as well. I started again with $14 and now at $35 although almost lost a trade that will have sent me packing again because i was not confident of my strategy thus this leads me to giving the real pillars of true trading below 
1. Always trade what you see
2. Be patient enough to let your profit run 
3. Truly understand candlestick 
4. Set long duration for expiry 
5. Don't over trade
6. Utilize money management
7. Be confident in yourself and your strategy
Now today i moved after cutting my profit short from $34.5 to $35 which is not really good anyway but i still obeyed the rule number of trading that is 
     capital preservation  
Thus watch he video below and keep coming back here for more tips to turn you a pro in trading world. thanks 

indeed you can start with demo trading and scale it up for real, get started here at