Live Your Life Like A Business

I will like to share a quick lesson with you before we progress this month..

Keep it in your left hand so you won't forget.

“Your life is like a business.”


“Depending on how you live your life, it can grow, It can crash, It can flourish. When you invest in it, it can be used to meet other people’s needs… or for your own profit.”

Pause and give it a thought - How many interesting parallels are between businesses and our own lives.

The question is: 

“Are you living like you’re an employee, or an owner?”

I’ve met lots of people who don’t really own their lives. They live like their lives are someone else’s responsibility.

They live with an ‘employee’ mindset.

When things aren’t going well, they blame, they complain. 

They don’t do anything to change the situation. Because, in their minds, their lives aren’t really theirs.

They’re just employees, they prefer to wake up early in the morning and return late at night, they never think of establishing their owner business. 

…but then there are owners.

These people are different. When their lives start going downhill, they take responsibility. They build streams of income, look for ways to improve & solve the problem.

Because they know it’s their life.

So what about you? Do you really own your life as you claim?

Or you just accept the things you hate about life…

-the long commute
-the lousy work
-the rat race
-the financial difficulties…

…as if it’s not up to you to change things?

What are you waiting for?

You’re the owner. Take charge. Make a change.