Two Enemies of Trading Success - FEAR & GREED period

Indeed Im really learning great lessons in thus trading career as the market will reveal your self to you. Im on an almost NO LOSS SCALPING SYSTEM but despite this great result I often lose confidence in my system and thus keep losing . I will shoe a great experience i had last so that you can know that if you have a system you have got to believe in the system if you want it to work for you. Really I failed myself last night and not the system I am using. Moreso, never let greed set in otherwise you will be doomed but if you can follow suit with the rules you will come out a success. Never the less, I am too determined to be defeated as I will keep fighting till I come out with what I want . Never give up on your goal and at last you will be celebrated. 

             See below for this great lesson I learnt myself last night .Are you set ?

What a great lesson for me that patience is the key in trading, never be in a hurry to close a trade after analyzing it and never be in a hurry to enter a trade as well. One more question is the cause of your failure often in business = ANSWER IT NOW TO YOURSELF
You can see now that it is absolute capital  
Please learn from this and lets keep rolling again.
                              good day going to church now