Finaly The Reality Set In

You have got to be really careful as trading is such lucrative it can as well send you back to grave. It does not need to take long before you are down to earth realizing that whatever goes up must urely comes down. I increase my capital from $119 to $159 but eventually lost it back to $91 same night over $60 loss what a great loss as once. Money management is everything like i use to say. Please this is  a great lesson for you if you are just starting out. Never use any amount that will weigh you down per time. Please this is a great lesson I learnt. Also, always believe in yourself and not in any other person any signal whatsoever its a just a big waste to your personality . There is no 100% accurate system anywhere it is what you understand that matters. See my big bad experience below but i know i will surely bounce back anyway . OK

wow see happened here because i lost $40 i was emotionally imbalanced and lost the next trade as well. Never lose a great amount that will make you depressed please 

 always remember this please 

When am back up will intimate you guys again. Always believe in yourself and no other person the lesson