Lost Again Not Unusual In Trading Can Still Be Profitable ...............

Indeed the road to success is paved with 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration . I made a drastic mistake this morning at my trading time and it made me learn a lot as well. I started with $50 and lost back to $25. I closed a trade out of fear to early which later came back to my winning side two different times. What a pity. No problem I will keep trying until I make it at last. See picture below

Really painful but still the way to SUCCESS any way . Have a gud day ahead

Still Trying On Demo ..........

The truth reveals that it is only practice that makes perfect thus practice and practice the more until you are convinced inside of U that you are good to go treading LIVE. Listen to me there is no need of being in a haste to trade when you know fully well that the market is always there for U. More so, never fight with the market and learn to trad with the market trend and not what you think. The market is more than you can ever think of. You either follow the market or not. But for your best interest you had better followed and make sure you are in line with the market. I am very strong at the time thus may not trade as much but will like to show U my activity lately on DEMO though. If I can be profitable demo trading, its a matter of duplicating same LIVE. 

       Stay disciplined thanks

Discipline Separates Traders Indeed ...........

Indeed if you want to really experience quantum leap in your trading career, you have got to be really disciplined. I just realized this is the missing link in my trading style not that the style is not profitable though. Thus , if discipline can be imbibed as well in your own trading  as well  you can see a difference. More so, know that the road to SUCCESS is really paved with lots of trying times such that if you are not big-hearted you can simply think you are not cut out for treading. It is a big lie just any how dummy can do anything provided he takes out time to learn the rudiments. Listen real good, all things are learnable , doable , and achievable. After uncountable times of failing period, I still start again today. Never quit otherwise you simple a history that repeats itself among many. Thanks look for the deposit and my update very soon. I am not trading now i need to attend a program which is really important, thanks .
stay success cut out

How To Trade 30 Seconds Random Index

This is directly from www.binary.com platform.  Indeed everything about the market is all about price action I mean CANDLESTICKS. If you can fully understand the price action movement you will be fully MADE. Listen to me, give to a man a chart and teach him how to trade, and he will finally forget all about his marriage woes. Indeed , this is true and will always be the fact. Although there is  a real big potential in trading per seconds however if care is not taken as well, the account will be completely wiped off.  If you want to be in market for long, then you have to develop your own trading strategy for real. Never copy any man's trading style only learn from them and come up with your own personal trading style never ruling out the principles of trading. There is a great profit to be made in the market. Look below and see my recent activity today about how I  multiply my $7 to $15. Thus this is working. Think this is really small amount, hold on I will come by and show you afterwards. Stay tune...................


I Have Moved Away From Binary.Com

Indeed some times, when you are not getting what you want you can as well change the approach but not the goal. This is what I did and discover I can still do well. Really I signed up in quite a number of different binary portals but never used them. Recently I came across a binary site that gave me $250 deposit bonus which i have burnt out back to $2 but I started trading with it slowly and I have been able to turn that into $9. 

Under 2 days thus this tells me that I can still make it big if I can take my time and follow all the rules and stick with it. Check my activity below and be convinced that you can still make it in this industry.

you can see my activity now and hopefully if I can continue this way then i believe that I can keep being profitable.
see you soon 

From $10 to $28 in Few Hours But Nonetheless

Indeed experience says it all. You can have all you want if you know what to do. With experience you can see that there is nothing that is not possible. Increasing your trading profit is just a matter of knowing what to look out for and abiding with it. However this is the greatest risky business I have ever seen my whole life. You can be up now and go down the next moment thus this calls for great patience and professional as to you need to know what you are doing by following the market. My advice is trade what you see and not what  you assume. See below my activity and hopefully I believe this will continue like this if I can abide with the rules........................

You can sign up and start your own financial freedom like me too. The choice is yours but think about it
the banner below thanks 

High Impact Trading With S & R

Indeed support and resistance level is the way to trade the right way no matter what any one says. I have been trading with it solely for quite some time now and it has always been profitable. More so, there are some factors that must be put into place if indeed you must profit with my trading style and trading in general. See the chart below for confirmation

Since up for free and get started immediately

Really Getting Hold Of Binary Trading NOW - - - - - - -

Indeed no matter how far the truth is hidden or seems far away, if you will truly desire it and keep pushing at it, you will surely get it over time. Noting comes close to experience in the race of life as this is not different from trading as well. I started again with $14 and now at $35 although almost lost a trade that will have sent me packing again because i was not confident of my strategy thus this leads me to giving the real pillars of true trading below 
1. Always trade what you see
2. Be patient enough to let your profit run 
3. Truly understand candlestick 
4. Set long duration for expiry 
5. Don't over trade
6. Utilize money management
7. Be confident in yourself and your strategy
Now today i moved after cutting my profit short from $34.5 to $35 which is not really good anyway but i still obeyed the rule number of trading that is 
     capital preservation  
Thus watch he video below and keep coming back here for more tips to turn you a pro in trading world. thanks 

indeed you can start with demo trading and scale it up for real, get started here at             binary.com

This is really showing strong progress

indeed i have been trying this for a while now and it has been profitable and if i can try it with maximum patience one can really make a good progress and result with it. Indeed, really thinking I can wreck binary.com fully with thus now. 

thankfully nothing works like 

I Have Not Done Any Live Trade

This is really getting much frightened as i don't want to lose any trade again. Really this is not possible as I know that myself but really I think i can have good winning and profitable results bottom line. See what I have discovered again below with my result in demo account.

Expect more really want to wreck binary, and very soon I know i will be a reference point as well. 
Thanks and stay tuned 

See My Activity This Morning Then !!!

At least if you want any thing you must go for it if you really want to see it. Thus , i funded again $20 an turned around it to $30 with money management which I strictly followed. See the screen shots below for all I did just now, I will keep updating many more as I progress. 

Funded this morning as you see the date up there.

Okay my trading with money management 

At least 50% increase under few minutes 
Wish me well to keep growing like this 

Really Caught On A Great Method For TICK TRADE

I will show this when I am done with this. I tried it on my DEMO account and was able to multiply my amount and thus think its really working. I will keep trying til  am convinced enough. Started with $1125 and grew up to over $4000,this is good return for a short time to me. see below 

    As you can see below the balance although it is the DEMO account ............            

I Have Returned $37 Back To $50 Initial Capital

Thus i ma really starting to get this tick trade of a thing and i think experience beat anything hands down. Indeed if i can be really serious with it , I can write my own story as well. Look my activity down right away . I think this is hoe alive and if i can maintain the money management as rightly said i can really go home fully packed. See then chart below and my balance as at now. Will not trade again now because i dont want to make any funny mistake. 
thanks for wishing me well. 
sign up here at binary options and get started instantly

Yes Starting With DEMO @ $30

lets see what gonna happen with this if i scale it up friends 

What I Learnt From Tick Trade Thus Far

This is really a lucrative business but you must be really careful. I started with $51.35 increased to $68 but in a second got back to $29 you can imagine . I disobeyed money management and got my finger burnt. See below really painful but must start again with more carefulness.

I will start again and scale up again ,please wish me WELL. I will be back here and appreciate you guys, remember always believe in yourself its the ultimate of them all. 
I believe I will come out victorious. This is lucrative, always be careful never to go beyond three consecutive losers 

Still Testing My Strategy On TICK TRADE

Friends, I must confess, it is not really easy to to go with tick trade however I can really win all the way there because i  just discovered something there. If you truly want to WIN and make record there you must do the following below --------

 1. You must   be     
   adequately  FUNDED      
   2. You must give enough time to trade in order to     see good result.
 3. You understand candle stick behavior, this is really important      
  4. You must properly                            maintain  MONEY                                  MANAGEMENT. 
                    This is the ultimate if                       you want to profit here.
                5. You must always believe in                      yourself. 


   Let us see my trading thus far 

Ok having said all that, I will start today with y Live account please wish me good result. Really I am frightened but I will not let that stop me because successful people are afraid but in spite of that they forge ahead and make history for themselves.

Finally I want To Go Into Tick Trades

Nonetheless whatever you want to try , everything in trading is about MONEY MANAGEMENT. If you will just manage your appetite in making money and go steady, you can move mountain. Indeed this is my struggle and i know if I can try to maintain a steady gradual move i can as well go full time with it. I will try it and keep updating here with my activity. Thus I will be back by the end of today as to how much I am able to make thus far. I am depositing $50 to start with. Remember you must be adequately funded to trade profitably if at all you want to profit from it. Thanks and stay tune. 

In order to have a taste of this great business, it will be best for you to try it out unlimited with their demo account before committing anything, click on the banner below to get started. 

remember winners dont quit , quitters dont win, make up your mind now before too late

Trading Is Easily Solved By Money Management

Indeed I have read this several times but still keep falling victim of it that professionals maintain money management and this is what differentiate them from the average. Indeed if anyone can abide with this, the sky will surely be the limit. However what always draw us back from success is because GREEDY has taken us up against the norm of the game. Thus, if indeed you wan to lat in the game of trading, you have got to abide with this and thus success will have nothing against you than to bow to you at last. Thus money management is your weapon friend please stick with it. Thanks. 
However you can start trading with demo account without putting any money, thus you have nothing to lose. First master the game with virtual money until you know the game otherwise you make no commitment. Thus, sign up with the banner below and start trying your hand well on the platform 

Lost So Far But Cant Give Up

I have come too far than to give up. There is something in me saying that I can still do it. Every time i lose , always come up with a strategy that i can use again. Stick with it for a while and see how lucrative it can be. I lost from $22 back to $1. Deposited again, $30 lost it back to $1, now starting with the amt and scaling up. Let me see how far it can take me, this is really serious i must confess.

Growing Gradually and Steadily

Indeed if i have been going like this before, I would not have struggled lot i have done in the past. Jut a little trade here and there got me to where I am right now. It is possible not to lose a trade is still ringing strong inside me thus conviction developed. look below again for the screen shot thanks 

Trading Can Never Made Simplier Than This

This is my recent trading activity, you will like it as I made three trades and won them all. It is all about understanding your person before the market can pay you. See the screen shot below.

Making Sense Again

Really you may have thought I have given up but not really. I have to go get more knowledge and training as to how i wont be losing any how again. Haven;t known that many youths around me are making fortune with this so called random index, then I should be able to make it as well then. Listen, it is really possible not to lose a trade but care must be taken in this precaution. Started again all the same, look below

I Am Starting All Over Again

Success is indeed not easy. Only meant for the disciplined and determined. After a long array of failure upon failure, who could ever think I will still come back to trading again? My gut will not let me rest because there is something inside of me saying I can still make it and that is why I am still here. It s not over until I win. Starting again. Thanks


Gambling is not trading as you all know, thus i will never recommend anyone into the strategy. Even if others are making it please never venture into it otherwise you will get your account burnt like mine. I started today with $40 but within minutes my account was reduced to $7 what a shameful experience despite my experience trading so a bit long time now. Please never venture into that otherwise you will be in for a bad experience like me. I will not make this destroy my week though really FRUSTRATED below picture says it ALL 


I Told U I Will Be Back Soon Started Showing Up My Claims

Remember all thing are possible unto Him that believes in the power of his dream. Started on a new ground with TICK TRADES and was able to manage my trades with good money management and discipline , increased my capital from $32 to $41.26 under 10minutes. To me this is called sure career stepping up. If I can spice this up and really get focused on it, I can come out authoritative on it. Thus, look out for me. Remember the quote below 

thus find your strong zone and capitalize on it. Below check the results out.

That's it , let's keep seeing how far this can take us to. thanks for being there.

YES Think I will Step UP A Little

In life, if there is no push, there can never be any result of any kind, I have decided to give TICK TRADE a try again in binary.com. I hope this will move me forward. If many can do, yes I can as well. See this result below of how people are killing tick trades, many will tell u ha don't it, why don't you try and fail than not trying at all. If these people can do it, you can as well do better. Don't deceive yourself, if you will try, you will amaze yourself, I will venture into it with the help of candlesticks and proper money management. I will show you guys the results afterwards, trust me and you will see the picture of my message.

Can you the above picture? then try your hand on it then and let's see the result. To start with sign up first below......

Just To Prove This Is Real

I received my money into my visa card today. thanks I will really start back the trading soon but still taking a break for now. Always very tired after a stressful day from work thus can't trade that way but still waxing strong in DEMO acct. see below -----

that is what i have done for now. However I am using this to invest in myself in order for me to be better the more anyway, thanks

I just Opened A New Account

Really if you want to succeed in this industry, you must be ready for all it takes because this is a real serious business. Is either you are in or completely OUT. Even if you are dying but believe you can still succeed, you will eventually succeed, that is law of success. Not over till over.
and the likes. 
They all apply here as well. 

Take action today never procastinate, SUCCESS is around the corner if you must begin GUARANTEED.

Two Enemies of Trading Success - FEAR & GREED period

Indeed Im really learning great lessons in thus trading career as the market will reveal your self to you. Im on an almost NO LOSS SCALPING SYSTEM but despite this great result I often lose confidence in my system and thus keep losing . I will shoe a great experience i had last so that you can know that if you have a system you have got to believe in the system if you want it to work for you. Really I failed myself last night and not the system I am using. Moreso, never let greed set in otherwise you will be doomed but if you can follow suit with the rules you will come out a success. Never the less, I am too determined to be defeated as I will keep fighting till I come out with what I want . Never give up on your goal and at last you will be celebrated. 

             See below for this great lesson I learnt myself last night .Are you set ?

What a great lesson for me that patience is the key in trading, never be in a hurry to close a trade after analyzing it and never be in a hurry to enter a trade as well. One more question is the cause of your failure often in business = ANSWER IT NOW TO YOURSELF
You can see now that it is absolute capital  
Please learn from this and lets keep rolling again.
                              good day going to church now