reason yOU ARE fAILING iS thIS !!!!

how many times have you practised yr knowledge in demo account before jumping into real account. i KNOW the excitement can be really tempting but nothing works teaches like experience as popularly said experience is the best teacher. i HEARD of a guy that demo traded for three  and after this became  an overnight success to many. hOWEVER many do not know how long it took him to get there. 
thUS for you to be a successful trader you need the right knowledge which is the ultimate education. Its indeed certain you can not employ someone as a contractor without the prerequisite tools needed. thus same thing in this industry. statistics reveal that out of ten traders, nine of them fail in this career thus if you know you really want to be here as one active trader you need the right tool thus my advice for it. 

GOOD NEWS to you is ...... the tools you need to succeed are accessible to everyone go for them and succeed as well. 

wITH proper knowledge comes experience after which you can absolutely feel fulfilled enough to make good of your career in trading .............

think about this picture below and challenge yourself towards this yes you can do it