MT5 Trading Setup You Must Learn Now(Still Working)


Still working! methods


Trying on Meta tRADER 5 Trading , You cAN aS well dO thIs .........

Anyone can try this once u understand it. Always remember the quote below each and every time you are faced with any challenge

I have never traded on meta trader before but just started with the information I am digesting via various sources and see the result , you can as well do this , so now is the time to TRY AND TRY SOMEMORE
   From $5000 to $17,000+ and still growing gradually . If you need the trading statement check it on my channel where i made a video for it. 

  will post more often now 

Discipline the secret to profit


Discipline the secret to profit in


sTILL Trading DEMO AccT because of hackers online on

despite the attacks both front and back , right and left, I am still trading on demo account and still discovering new ways of doing quietly my digit trading. Just a matter of discipline and you will as well be growing your account. fOLLOW DISCIPLINE , TRADE ,  try short cut, you will surely gAmble and be thrown out of the market, market does not have feeling for yOu. SEE PICTURE below ......