Lost Again Not Unusual In Trading Can Still Be Profitable ...............

Indeed the road to success is paved with 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration . I made a drastic mistake this morning at my trading time and it made me learn a lot as well. I started with $50 and lost back to $25. I closed a trade out of fear to early which later came back to my winning side two different times. What a pity. No problem I will keep trying until I make it at last. See picture below

Really painful but still the way to SUCCESS any way . Have a gud day ahead

Still Trying On Demo ..........

The truth reveals that it is only practice that makes perfect thus practice and practice the more until you are convinced inside of U that you are good to go treading LIVE. Listen to me there is no need of being in a haste to trade when you know fully well that the market is always there for U. More so, never fight with the market and learn to trad with the market trend and not what you think. The market is more than you can ever think of. You either follow the market or not. But for your best interest you had better followed and make sure you are in line with the market. I am very strong at the time thus may not trade as much but will like to show U my activity lately on DEMO though. If I can be profitable demo trading, its a matter of duplicating same LIVE. 

       Stay disciplined thanks

Discipline Separates Traders Indeed ...........

Indeed if you want to really experience quantum leap in your trading career, you have got to be really disciplined. I just realized this is the missing link in my trading style not that the style is not profitable though. Thus , if discipline can be imbibed as well in your own trading  as well  you can see a difference. More so, know that the road to SUCCESS is really paved with lots of trying times such that if you are not big-hearted you can simply think you are not cut out for treading. It is a big lie just any how dummy can do anything provided he takes out time to learn the rudiments. Listen real good, all things are learnable , doable , and achievable. After uncountable times of failing period, I still start again today. Never quit otherwise you simple a history that repeats itself among many. Thanks look for the deposit and my update very soon. I am not trading now i need to attend a program which is really important, thanks .
stay success cut out