Gambling is not trading as you all know, thus i will never recommend anyone into the strategy. Even if others are making it please never venture into it otherwise you will get your account burnt like mine. I started today with $40 but within minutes my account was reduced to $7 what a shameful experience despite my experience trading so a bit long time now. Please never venture into that otherwise you will be in for a bad experience like me. I will not make this destroy my week though really FRUSTRATED below picture says it ALL 


I Told U I Will Be Back Soon Started Showing Up My Claims

Remember all thing are possible unto Him that believes in the power of his dream. Started on a new ground with TICK TRADES and was able to manage my trades with good money management and discipline , increased my capital from $32 to $41.26 under 10minutes. To me this is called sure career stepping up. If I can spice this up and really get focused on it, I can come out authoritative on it. Thus, look out for me. Remember the quote below 

thus find your strong zone and capitalize on it. Below check the results out.

That's it , let's keep seeing how far this can take us to. thanks for being there.

YES Think I will Step UP A Little

In life, if there is no push, there can never be any result of any kind, I have decided to give TICK TRADE a try again in binary.com. I hope this will move me forward. If many can do, yes I can as well. See this result below of how people are killing tick trades, many will tell u ha don't it, why don't you try and fail than not trying at all. If these people can do it, you can as well do better. Don't deceive yourself, if you will try, you will amaze yourself, I will venture into it with the help of candlesticks and proper money management. I will show you guys the results afterwards, trust me and you will see the picture of my message.

Can you the above picture? then try your hand on it then and let's see the result. To start with sign up first below......

Just To Prove This Is Real

I received my money into my visa card today. thanks I will really start back the trading soon but still taking a break for now. Always very tired after a stressful day from work thus can't trade that way but still waxing strong in DEMO acct. see below -----

that is what i have done for now. However I am using this to invest in myself in order for me to be better the more anyway, thanks

I just Opened A New Account

Really if you want to succeed in this industry, you must be ready for all it takes because this is a real serious business. Is either you are in or completely OUT. Even if you are dying but believe you can still succeed, you will eventually succeed, that is law of success. Not over till over.
and the likes. 
They all apply here as well. 

Take action today never procastinate, SUCCESS is around the corner if you must begin GUARANTEED.